Estimated fees, Travel dates, hotel accommodations, itinerary and services are subject to change due to unforeseen factors including but not limited to airline scheduling, hotel, traffic conditions and Hijri Calendar as well as due to updates from the Ministry of Hajj, Ministry of Health and Hajj authorities. However, our staff will keep you informed. Kindly, check our website frequently for any updates.
The Saudi company, that will be the service provider for all Hajj services including but not limited to air ticketing, airport meeting, accommodations, food, transportation, and passport handling in Saudi Arabia.
We are striving to serve you in the best manner possible by providing all hajj information so that you can be the next guest of Allah insha'Allah.
Arriving at Jeddah Airport
Makkah from 4th to 8th Dhul Hijjah @ Swissotel Makkah or Swissotel Al Maqam Makkah
Makkah from 4tt-8th, Hajj from 8th- 13th Minah/Arafah/Muzdalifah, Makkah 13th- 14th, then Madinah from 14th to 17th Dhul Hijjah