Discover our Umrah programs
We plan information sessions for our customers to help make their trip a success.
What is the purpose of an information meeting?
This meeting, usually is organised for the Umra and Hajj groups and provides additional information on our Trip.
We do speak French, English and Arabic
The information meeting takes place in our Office.
Tayba Travel is better equipped to welcome you and meet all your needs
For this, the meeting consists of three parts:
This kind of meeting is a chance for the clients to get to know each other before heading to Umra or Hajj.
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Our valued customers have left the following comments
Good experience
We would like to thank you Mr. Youssef for your professionalism, attentiveness, service and time. There is nothing to say. Our thanks
Noureddine Tabat
Good service
Fast, friendly service. Patience, support and guidance.
Mohamed Abdesselem
Good service
I went to umraa with Tayba Travel this year. And there was great service. Brother youssef was a very nice ,helpful ,and resourceful individual during the process of the trip. I always book with him For all my flights their service is top notch. السلام عليكم اخي يوسف .مشكور على مجهوداتكم ونصائحكم ومساعدتكم اتجاه جميع المسافرين .الله يتقبل منكم صالح الاعمال
Belkasri Leila
Good service
Al Hamdoulillah everything was perfect. Mr Youssef took very good care of us. From beginning untill the end he taught us a lot of spiritual lessons from Quran and Sunnah, he is very knowledgeable and always available for questions or to provide help. we were taught step by step how to perform our umrah correctly. The trip was well organized allowing us to take maximum benefit from our time. I Would highly recommend his services to others. Very happy with the service provided.
Saad Doukali
Good service
thank you for this beautiful journey that has remained honored and engraved in my heart. الحمد لله كثيرا ... عودة إلى منتريال بعد أيام خالدة في المملكة العربية السعودية بين المدينة المنورة ومكة المكرمة أدّيت خلالها مناسك العمرة لى و امى و ابي لأول مرة ، دعواتي بأن ننال القبول ويبلّغ الله كلّ مشتاق تلك البقاع الطاهرة. الشكر موصول للرفقة الطيبة ، أخص بالذكر السيد Karroum Youssef المشرف على الرحلة و صاحب Voyages Tayba
Chehnez Ben Abda
Good service
I had an excellent experience with the Tayba agency, very well organized and highly professional. Thanks to everyone, especially to Mr. Youssef who guided us throughout the trip.
Soukaina Fellaji
Bon service
Salâmes waleykum M Youssef, you're going home to your family inchalla Thank you very much for this pleasant and noble journey. Allah rewards you for everything and for your patience. I am very happy to form a very good team with you. Allah SWT grants each of our requests inchalla 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲. see you soon inchalla My greetings to your family thank you
السلام عليكم، الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام و الحمد لله الذي وفقنا لاداء مناسك الحج. اشكر الأخ يوسف على مجهوداتك الجبارة و أكثرها ليست ظاهرة.احبك في الله. و اذا كانت هناك صعوبات و تحديات، فانها كانت لكل الحجاج و هذا كل تابع الحج، و هذا كله امتحان طوال وقت الحج، الله يمتحن صبرنا و تحملنا.كل حاج يجب أن يكون متفاءلا و ان يحمد الله أن اختاره من بين الكثير ليكون ضيفا من ضيوفه. و يجب أن يتساءل بما خرج من نتيجة، ايمان اقوى، صبر، اخلاق حميدة...و كثير من الصفات. اشكر ايظا كل الحجاج الذين عرفتهم في الحج، كلهم طيبين، أحببت الأخوة و التعاون و احبهم في الله. نصيحة في الله، كما ذكرني و شجعني اخ العام الفارط بأداء الحج ، فذكرو اخوانكم بأداء الحج. حج مبرور للجميع
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته. بارك الله فيكم جميعا وجزاكم الله خيرا. حج مبرور وسعي مشكور وذنب مغفور أن شاءالله للجميع. كان سبحان الله افظل سفر قمت به في حياتي خالصا لاالله ومن خلاله تعرفت واكتشفت على أصدقاء واخوان لي جدد. كنت أود أن أكون أكثر حضورا في الحرم وان أحضر يوم التروية والمبيت في المزدلفة ولكن و لظروف خارجة عن قدرت الجميع.لن نتمكن من ذالك. لكن قدر الله وما شاء فعل .الله يعلم نيتنا ويعلم ما تسر القلوب. اطلب منكم المعذرة والسماح لي ، ربما لتصرف اوقول غير لائق نبع مني بقصد او دون قصد تجاه احدكم. وفي الاخير اشكر جزيل الشكر والتقدير والاحترام للاخ الطيب واانبيل يوسف كروم على مجهوداته القيمة و المضاعفة من أجل إرضاء الجميع وفي نفس الوقت التنسيق مع رواف، خصوصا لم نكن نتواجد في نفس الفندق. بارك الله فيك اخي يوسف فوالله لقد كنت من بين الأسباب الذي سخره…
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته اخي العزيز اشكركم على مجهوداتكم بصفة عامة واطلب المسامحة على أي ردة فعل منا لسوء فهمنا في بعض الأحيان لبعض الإجراءات خاصة بالتفويج والتنقل والتي كانت خارج ارادتكم وادعوا الله أن يتقبل منا ومنكم صالح الاعمال وان يجعله حجا مبرورا وسعيا مشكورا وذنبا مغفورا وعملا متقبلا وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين والسلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
Assalam alaikun à tous et à toutes. Alhamdulah ,vraiment bonne arrivée à tout le monde. Qu'Allah accepte nos prières pardonne nos péchés et excuse nos voeux. Un grand merci à toi oustaz YOUSSEF . Je félicite tous les pèlerins . Qu'Allah accepte nos hajj amine
Good Experience
Essalam Alaykom. Jazak Allah Haj Youcef de tes efforts pour nous servir. Qu'Allah accepte notre Haj et pardonne nos mauvais actes durant notre séjour. Je vous aime ( احبكم في الله) Free Palestine
Open registration
The Hajj is a sacred and unforgettable experience, and we are honored to be able to organize this spiritual journey for you. Our experienced team is committed to accompanying you on this sacred journey, ensuring that every detail is taken care of, allowing you to concentrate fully on your devotion and spiritual quest.
Places for Hajj 2024 are limited, so we urge you to register early to ensure your participation in this sacred event. Please contact us today for more information on dates, packages and registration formalities.
Voyages Tayba organizes year-round tours to breathtaking locations.
When you choose our travel agency, you benefit from our expertise and long experience in the tourism industry. Our team of passionate professionals has in-depth knowledge of destinations and travel best practices. We're here to guide you, advise you and provide you with an unforgettable experience.
We understand that every traveler is unique, and that your needs and preferences may vary. That's why we place great importance on personalizing each itinerary. Whether you're looking for an adventurous trip, a romantic getaway or a relaxing family break, we'll tailor a program to meet your every expectation.
We are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality travel experience. That's why we carefully select our partners, such as airlines, hotels, tour guides and local service providers. We only work with reputable, reliable companies that share our values of customer service and respect for the environment.
Our service doesn't stop at booking your trip. We're here to support you every step of the way. Our dedicated team is available to answer any questions you may have, provide detailed information about your destination and help you with any unforeseen circumstances during your trip. We want you to feel safe and supported at all times.
We strive to offer you the best rates while maintaining high quality standards. We negotiate competitive rates with our partners and offer you exclusive deals and promotions. What's more, we're transparent about the costs associated with your trip. You'll know exactly what you're paying, with no hidden charges or unpleasant surprises.
We are aware of the impact the tourism industry can have on local communities and the environment. That's why we are committed to promoting responsible and sustainable tourism. We encourage environmentally friendly practices, support community initiatives and promote fair trade. By choosing our agency, you are also helping to make a positive difference.
Our travel partners are carefully selected to ensure an exceptional and memorable travel experience for our valued customers. We collaborate with reputable and trusted airlines
Voyages Tayba is a travel agency specializing in ticketing, organized and religious tours, particularly for Umrah and Hajj to Mecca.